"When the game of life makes you feel like quittin'"
So I've heard this great song by Stephen Lynch...
"It helps a lot if you kill a kitten."
... and I decided to strenghten the image of a smartass many view me as. I would put quotes from the song as status descriptions in my internet communicator.
"If you need yarn for that scarf you're knittin'
You'll get plenty when you kill a kitten."
What was the response you ask? None whatsoever! Nobody would care enough for the poor felines to scold me! People are insensitive, I give them that:/
"Flush it down the can, hit it with your van,
Drown it in a lake, bake a kitty cake
Throw it at a train, make it snort cocaine
Stick some TNT up its cat booty."
Still nothing. Come on people, aren't there any cat lovers? Notice how I put 'cat' not 'animal'. Why? Well, look at the last part of the song I typed in the status description:
"Killing kittens isn't easy,
And if the thought makes you feel queasy,
Grab a pitchfork from the shed,
And kill a puppy dog instead!"
You should've seen the amount of messages I got over the following night. From calm ones like "Not doggies" to outraged ones like "You sadist! How dare you write about killing adowable doggies!"... Not that it comes as a great shock ("Czterej pancerni i pies" is aired every summer, go figure) but it's nevertheless peculiar. Does the 'cat music' irritate us enough to wish them dead? Do we distrust those sly eyes? Are we afraid they will evolve into god-like beings and enslave us all? I, for one, have never trusted the little buggers.
Go dogs!
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